Green Grain ATM in Uttarakhand: Check Here How it Works

Green Grain ATM in Uttarakhand: A Big news has been released by the Uttarakhand Food Department for the citizens of Uttarakhand. Keeping in mind the convenience of citizens in Uttarakhand, green grain ATMs have been installed at ration shops. These Green Grain ATM in Uttarakhand can distribute wheat and rice up to 30 quintals per day.  This green grain ATM has been successfully established in four areas of  Uttarakhand likewise in Dehradun, Rishikesh, Sahaspur and Vikas Nagar. With the establishment of these green grain ATM’S consumers can now get the facility to take ration comfortably in government ration shops without standing in the long and mismanaged queue .

Green Grain ATM in Uttarakhand: No Queue No Fraud

As we told you, consumers in Uttarakhand will no longer need to stand in long queues at government ration shops. Now consumers will be able to get grain according to their requirement only through Uttarakhand Grain ATM. These green grain ATMs are designed with a special computer system. Where the ration card holder can comfortably get the ration on the basis of the limit of one’s ration card without any fraud by entering the details of the ration card.

Green Grain ATM in Uttarakhand
Green Grain ATM in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Green Grain ATMs

This green grain ATM established in the state of Uttarakhand works just like a simple ATM.  The way the other ATM takes out the cash after entering the ATM PIN details, in the same way this green grain ATM will provide ration to the ration card holder after entering the ration card number . As soon as this green grain ATM is established in Uttarakhand, citizens are now getting a lot of facilities. Where citizens can now get quick and easy distribution of ration without standing in long queues, they can get their ration by entering ration card details.

 This whole process is very transparent so there will be no chance of any fraud. As of now Uttarakhand Green Grain ATM has been set up in Dehradun, Rishikesh, Sahaspur, Vikas Nagar and ration sellers are also being trained to operate them so that it can be opened for citizens as soon as possible.

Best way of saving time and efforts of vendors and customers

Under this entire process, green grain ATMs will be formally opened to citizens soon. Where up to 5 quintals of grains can be distributed in each ATM. As soon as this process starts, shopkeepers who distribute ration along with ration card holders will also get a lot of facilities. Whereas till now for ration vendors it used to take 3 hours to distribute a 1 quintal of ration , but now with the help of this green train ATM, many quintals of grains can be distributed in a day and there will be no scope for any fraud in this process.

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Benefits of Green Grain ATM established in Uttarakhand

  •  With the help of this green grain ATM established in Uttarakhand, now ration card holders will not have to stand in long queues.
  •  Ration vendors along with ration card holders will get benefits of this  green grain ATMs.
  •  The operation of a green grain ATM is quite easy to operate the entire distribution process transparently.
  • All the equipment made for Green Grain ATMs is completely computerized in which the machine automatically distributes the grain by entering the ration card number like the ATM,
  • Due to this entire process, black marketing and fraud of ration will be stopped in future.
  • In the entire process, Green Grain ATM will distribute a sufficient amount of grain to ration card holders without making any measurement mistake .
  •  At the same time, every green grain ATM will save the full data of loaded grains and distribution of grains so that the report of grains distributed every month can be cross checked and black marketing can be monitored.

How does Green Grain ATM works?

 Green Grain ATM is a computer -powered device that works like a simple ATM. To get grain from Green Grain ATM, the ration card holder must follow the following phase process.

  • First of all, the ration card holder will have to go to the Green Grain ATM and select the type of ration card like,Antyodaya card or BPL ration card etc.
  • After selecting the type of ration card, the ration card holder will have to enter his ration card number.
  • The ATM determines the amount of grains given to the ration card holder as soon as it records its number at the ATM.
  • However, ration card holders at ATMs can also choose the option to specify the quantity of wheat and rice.
  •  After adding all the data to the green grain ATM, the green Grain ATM distributes the grain on the basis of the quantity mentioned.
  • Weighing the grain is the work of a green grain ATM which will be a fraudless process.
  •  Under this entire process, the ration card holder can easily get wheat and rice through the machine.


Overall, Uttarakhand has now become the first state across the country where ration card holders will not have to stand in long queues to get ration. Rather, they will now get ration from the Green Grain ATM. At present, this project has been implemented as a pilot project at four places in Uttarakhand. Soon all the ration vendors of Uttarakhand will be provided this green grain ATM facility so that the process of ration distribution can be completed in a computerized manner.

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